A Family Resource Center for the Surnames BARNAM, BARNHAM and BARNUM
ATTENTION Eunice Marie Barnum!! |
I received your e-mail and am anxious to help but I'm not able to respond. Unfortunately, your return e-mail address doesn't work and I receive an error message each time that I try to contact you. Please send me an alternate e-mail address or write to me via snail mail. |
his site was developed as a listing of the known Barnum lines of descent, from the immigrant ancestor Thomas BARNAM (1625-1695) and his English forebears, down through the present. It's intended to serve as a reference site for anyone who is researching the genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham families worldwide, although the majority of our family's lines of descent developed in either England or North America.T
he data found here may be used as a general index of Barnum lines, for research concerning any line of descent from Thomas BARNAM or his English ancestors. Information is included for more than 10,000 individuals, and there should be clues to help in tracing virtually any Barnum line of descent.A
s newly-published information becomes available, and as more and more BARNUM "cousins" share their data, the files continue to grow. There have been many contributors to the information found here, and I've done my best to provide correct citations for those contributions. If you are researching any BARNUM or allied line of descent, I hope you will find data to help you in your search. I also hope that you will share your information and help to make this site increasingly more valuable for future researchers.A
s I said, this site is intended as a research tool. It will best serve that purpose if it is as accurate and complete as possible. If you find errors that should be corrected, please contact me via E-Mail at the address given below for the BARNUM Family Webmaster. I will post corrections and additions as quickly as possible after I receive them.Y
ou're welcome here! I hope you enjoy your visit and find something helpful to your research. Please sign the guest book at the bottom of this page, and feel free to leave specific comments about the site at the comment link below. If you'd like to view a brief introduction, with information concerning the immigrant ancestor Thomas BARNAM and our famous (or infamous) relation Phineas Taylor "P.T." BARNUM, click here.
I recently purchased a copy of the Holy Bible, printed in 1752 in Edinburgh, Scotland by Adrian Watkins, the King's Printer. On a blank page opposite the New Testament title page is handwritten data for the family of Thomas BARNAM (1722-1792) who is a previously-undocumented member of the Barnum Family. Click HERE to view a sample scan of this newly-discovered family information. The data for Thomas, his wife Judeth [sic] and their 16 children has been posted to the Barnum Family Genealogy site. |
This site was last on April 14, 2001
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since July 15, 1998 |
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The Barnum Family Genealogy site is located in Laredo, Texas, just across the Rio Grande from Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, México.
Just look at that temperature! Don't you wish you were here?
A Research Guide to the Genealogy of the Barnum/Barnam/Barnham Family in England and North America
The information on this site is developed and maintained by
Patricio Bárnum-Golláz©
1998, 2001. All rights reserved.Genealogists may freely use the information provided here. This page, and the information on it, may not be copied for any commercial use.